Santa Fe Shutters

How Santa Fe Shutters succeeded in increasing their enquiries by 61.9%*

Websites constantly need improvement to keep ahead of the game and to ensure that they keep getting results. Santa Fe Shutters were happy with their current website and the results they were getting, however they were interested in looking at ways these results could be improved. After talking with Santa Fe we agreed that the best starting point would be a thorough review of the website, looking through the homepage content, the conversion pathway and reports to find out where people are leaving the site and how this can be improved. Some of the results of this review and subsequent changes that were made can be seen in the image below.


Original Page (Click to enlarge)

New Page (Click to enlarge)

Optimise you results like Santa Fe Shutters- web design by Zeald

What did we do?

The first change we made was to the background of the Santa Fe website. It's important that branding is the same across all forms of media, so the background colours were changed to fit in with the print ads. This background change also helped to make the content stand out, drawing visitors eyes to the block in the middle of the page rather than blending in to the background.

The animated slideshow images were the next thing to be changed. Animated slideshows are a good place to display top products, which is something Santa Fe were already doing well, however it is also helpful to add in text and call to actions to encourage visitors to click through to pages deeper in the website. Our design team created some nice graphics for this purpose, and we set up goals to measure the click through rate of each ad.

Changes were also made to the content on the page. Instead of focusing on encouraging visitors to get in contact straight away, more attention was placed on Santa Fe's unique selling proposition (USP) and answering questions visitors will have when they visit the site. A USP is a statement which explains why your product is unique and is a better fit for your customer's needs over what your competitors are offering. Putting this sentence as a H1 setting on the homepage signals to search engines that this is the most important piece of information on the page, which is great for SEO.

What results did these changes generate?

Following the changes on the homepage, Santa Fe Shutters saw a 61.9% increase in the number of enquiries they received through their website and a 43.2% increase in the number of visitors loading their contact us page. Measuring the number of people who visit a contact us page is important as people often can't be bothered filling out long forms and would rather call direct to the company. The increase in contact page loads on the Santa Fe website shows that it is likely that the website generated an increase in enquiries received offline.

We're confident we can dramatically improve your online results as well.

  * The samples used in this case study are for illustration only. We do not accept any liability for the information provided on this page or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. Each case study sample is unique and the website in the case study sample may have been customised or may have been optimised by the purchase of product options.

If you would like some free, specific advice tailored to improve your business results, book your free website audit today.

We are right here to answer your questions. We have a team experienced in achieving great results for NZ businesses. We can help you improve your website and assist with all your online marketing needs; including SEO and Google Adwords. Let us help you generate more sales and enquiries with your website. 
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